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Babybelt Pro

The Babybelt Pro:


  • A modular and upgradable open source printer offering variable gantry angles
    (45 and 30 degrees)


  • Easy belt tensioning and linear rails. 



Customize Your Experience

Able to be 3D Printed with a customizable theme in mind!

 Imprint your personality, lifestyle or décor into your Baby Belt infinity 3D Printer design.

Belts are a DIY consumable that are easily created and changed over time.

Your printer can easily grow and change styles with you!

Fabreeko and Printcepts have looped together! 


Get ready for a fun build with the Honeybadger Baby Belt Pro Kit,

a DIY 3D printer that uses a continuous belt for endless printing potential.

Baby Belt Pro kit – DIY Belted 3D Printer designed by Rob Mink.





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